Thursday, July 8, 2010

Now safely in La Paz, 12,000 ft high

Anitawa picked me up from the airport greeting me with a kiss and a steaming hot cup of cocoa tea--yes fresh from a thermis. She said it helps with the altitude. She also brought along a family who´s youngest shyly handed me a rose. Now Anitawa was not your typical nun...she was a monja chula. She proceeded to fly down the curviest roads in a bulky white jeep named Verita. My home is beautiful and hudge! There was a basket of daisies waiting for me on my bed--I love daisies!!! I have electricity but no heat. My own bathroom too!

6:30 Am I wake up with alittle difficulty breathing due to the thin air that so easily dries me out. But I am completely distracted as I look out my window to the most breathtaking sunrise that I have ever seen! I am surrounded by the highest, sharpest, most intriguing mountains that are backdropped by an artistic display of pink, orange, and purple tones.

Janet and Anitawa made me rest this first day--meaning no work. But I did get to explore downtown. Their bus system is one thing on my list to figure out--soon hopefully. They are crazy minivans with the sliding door open and a young kid yelling out where it is headed as it barrels towards you. Oh and those cross walks! Well Bolivia had a problem with the cars not they thought it smart to dress up someone like a zebra and dance back and forth with a sign reading PARE, stop. HILARIOUS. But hey whatever works.

I visited my first clinic today...there are three that Anitawa started. They slapped on a white lab coat and called me the nurse...and sometimes medica. What did I get myself into? I was brought into a room full of health employees, teachers, doctors, and other employees of Salud Integral and introduced by Anitawa as the volunteer Amercan nurse. Then left in my own defense to "say a few words of my own". Oh man was I caught at a blank. But I think I fumbled through a short, slightly embarrassed introduction. Maybe in Bolivia second impressions mean more?

I already love Janet and Anitawa. Two amazing people, very loving, motherly, and hilarious. We plan to travel to Cochibamba this weekend to see more of Bolivia, as they say para aprovechar mi tiempo.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I struggle to adjust and feel confident...and hopefully with that the comfort of peace and knowledge...mainly not feeling lost! Lastly--what about those Spaniards??? Felicidades Espana! (pictures will be posted soon...some computer issues, meaning mine won't turn on!)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh this sounds SO SO exciting and yes I admit a little nerve racking as well! I know you'll do fine and so does the Lord or He wouldn't have sent you there! I can't wait for pictures and more stories.
