I thought this was it, but nope--they all had another plan. Food and tea was served and Irene presented a gift. These people have NOTHING, but they managed to all chip in and buy me the most beautiful jacket. It fits perfect! They said, they wanted me to be able to bring a bit of Bolivia back with me. They also sang for me in Aymara, I love that language. Thank you adultos mayors. You've taught me patience and wisdom. You've opened up my eyes to a different manner of living. And--you've made me laugh with you wonderful stubbornness and humor.
Wednesday was my last day. I worked in the morning and decided to keep open the evening to pack. Ha, that didn't happen. Another despidid, now from the area de salud. Saltenas and again each member of the team, along with the liscencia had kind words, prayers, and advice for me. Thank you area de salud. Working along side doctors I was able to perfect my assessing skills,
not to mention some diagnosing. I was able to be exposed to many illnesses and situations that aren't common in the states. Thank you guys for your patience, kindness, and desire to teach me.
What to do on my last night? Pack? Nope--that can wait. I went out with the doctors and nurses. We shared, ate drank, laughed, and cried, I connected with them and gained true friendships. They all bought individual gifts for me; medical journals, beautiful shawls, key chains, and other thoughtful gifts. I don't like goodbyes. But by the end of my last day I became accustomed to the hugs, tears, kisses, and exchange of contacts.
I'm looking out my airplane window, Below are soft clouds, crystal blue waters, and an occasional blotch of land. I cam to Bolivia to serve. I left Bolivia changed. The people here taught me, helped me grow, strengthened my faith, and instilled in me a desire to serve, help, and travel. On July 7th I arrived with bags packed to capacity, nerves on end unsure what to expect, head dizzy and lungs struggling with the altitude. One September 2nd I'm leaving--not wanting to leave. Trying to think if there's a solution to these mixed feelings. My lungs are strong, my head is heavy with thoughts and memories, my confidence is present, my bags are empty. I couldn't help but leave everything...I came to serve anyway, right? With bags empty, I left with something more precious than material clothes or a pricey computer. I left with my experience, with the knowledge that I am loved appreciated, and missed. I left a stronger and changed Jessica.
Janet and Anitawa thank you for this opportunity. I pray that you continue to help and serve those in need. Friends from home, thank you for supporting and encouraging me these two months. Thanks for reading this...now I am not babbling away to no one. Friends from Bolivia, thanks for welcoming me and allowing me to be part of your lives. Bolivia thank you for teaching me and transforming me into who I am now.
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."